RCPI Bible College & Seminary
“Equipping Students for the Work of Ministry"
©2009 -2020 by RCPI Bible Seminary
RCPI Bible Seminary
Corporate Division
210 Old Kings Rd. S
STE 700
Flagler Beach, FL 32136 USA
Telephone: 386.233.3248
Email: admin@rcpibs.org
Website: www.rcpibiblecollege.com
Welcome and thank you for your interest in the RCPI & Bible Seminary. We hope that our catalogue will answer all of the questions you may have about our school and our programs. We offer both in classroom and correspondence courses. If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact us. Thank you again for your interest in our school and may God richly prosper you in everything you endeavor to do for His Kingdom.
RCPI & Bible Seminary is part of Ruach Chayah Global Ministries which is incorporated as nonprofit organizations in and under the laws of the State of South Carolina and Florida. RCPI & Bible Seminary is authorized to operate and grant religious/theological diplomas and degrees by the State of South Carolina Department of Postsecondary Education.
RCPI Bible Seminary has exempt status with the South Carolina, Georgia and Florida State Department of Education and does not imply endorsement by either State Department of Education. RCPI Bible Seminary is associated with and founded by Candace House Ministries Inc.
RCPI Bible Seminary does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, gender, religious or denominational background, or physical handicap. Every student is admitted to the same programs, and is allowed the same rights, privileges, and honors.
We believe and teach that:
All Scripture (both the Old and New Testaments), as originally written, is the inerrant, complete, and Inspired Word of God.

There is one God, eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

God created man in His image. Man, of his own accord, chose to transgress the will and command of God, thereby separating himself from God.

The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary. He became man without ceasing to be God, in order that He might reveal God and redeem sinful man.

The Lord Jesus Christ died a substitutionary and complete sacrifice for the whole world and only those who believe in Him are saved.

Salvation is obtained through faith in Christ alone. Not through any amount of good works or deeds.

Baptism, by complete immersion, is a sign to the world of one’s belief, and is not done as a requirement for salvation.

All of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are here today. They are used for witnessing and service to the Lord.

We are to pray daily, study the Word often, and fellowship with the Church regularly. We are to love others, be humble, and obey God.

The time is close at hand when Christ will come for the Church, the entire body of believers, both living and dead. This will happen before the time of the Tribulation.

At judgment, the believers, the children of God, will receive their reward. Those who have not been saved will be cast out, into everlasting punishment.

RCPI & Bible Seminary, Candace House Ministries and Ruach Chayah Global Ministries are strongly opposed to the anti-christ concept of a one-world government and a one-world Church. We never have, nor will be, a part of the World Council of Churches, National Council of Christian Churches, or any other apostate ecumenical movements.
The purpose of the RCPI Bible Seminary (RCPIBS) is to Biblically mentor, equip, and release those who are willing to accept the CHALLENGE of advancement and excellence in the Kingdom of God. RCPI Bible Seminary is an institute without walls, proclaiming the world as our classroom. Dedicated to providing students with quality and affordable education programs to be effective in Christian service and challenged to reach the world for the cause of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is our goal to provide sound Biblical instruction for advancement and excellence in ministry. We are committed to TOUCHING NATIONS and EVANGELIZING THE WORLD by equipping and training men and women called into the Gospel ministry and Christian service to serve in EXCELLENCE in their area of ministry, such as Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Teacher, Evangelist, Missionary, Church Administration, Church Educator, Church Counselor and Church Worker.
RCPI & Bible Seminary was created by, and is a part of, the nonprofit, Ruach Chayah Global Ministries and Candace House Ministries of Columbia, SC. Our mission is to help train and educate those who are called into the service of our Lord in a variety of fields and areas. We offer both in classroom classes and correspondence courses.
Through RCPI & Bible Seminary, we can help to educate you, and even put to work what you already know. The knowledge gained over years of service and experience is used to help you fulfill the degree program you enter. All documented learning and experiences are assessed and compared to the requirements of the degree program selected. In some cases, this alone may satisfy the credit requirements of the selected degree program. However, depending upon the degree level, you will still need to do a Senior Paper or a Master’s Thesis.
All of this may be completed in a much shorter time and at a fraction of the cost than it would at many of the larger colleges and universities. Our tuition is already low, making it affordable to nearly everyone. With some of our discounts, the tuition may go even lower. If we don’t have what you need or are looking for, please let us know. Perhaps, one of our other services or programs may be what you’re looking for. If not, perhaps we may be of service in helping you find the right institution.
RCPI Bible Seminary is fully accredited with the International Agency of Independent Accreditation for Christian Institutions.

When submitting or mailing your application, you will also need to supply the following items:
Complete Resume.

A brief biography listing all Christian and secular accomplishments.

Copies of all degrees, transcripts, certificates, and other documentation.

Upon receipt of your application form and the other requested items, they will be assessed and compared with the requirements necessary to complete the degree program selected. Any gaps will need to be filled in.
About 1-2 weeks after receipt of your materials, we will send you a letter of acceptance and a list of what is needed to fulfill the requirements of the desired degree.
After receipt of your signed agreement, you will be sent a letter with class dates and time. If you are a correspondence student, you will be assigned a mentor who will work with you, and assist you in completing any remaining requirements. Some of the ways this may be done are listed under, How Credit is Earned.
If a person enrolls in a degree program more than two weeks after the start of a trimester, unless special approval is given, they will need to wait to begin class the next trimester. Those who desire to enroll after the trimester begins are subject to a late registration fee.
For online and correspondence students RCPI Bible Seminary has an open door policy. The student may begin their degree program at any time. Students may complete the degree program at their own pace. Once completed and all financial obligations have been met, the degree will be awarded.
RCPI & Bible Seminary will accept credits earned at any recognized university, college, or institution, if appropriate to the desired degree program. You will need to submit transcripts.
RCPI Bible Seminary DEGREES
For a list of universities, colleges, institutions, and organizations, which accept RCPI & Bible Seminary and credits, either stop by our office or send us a self-addressed stamped envelope, and we’ll be happy to send a copy to you.
RCPI Bible Seminary reserves the right to immediately suspend or terminate a degree candidate for the following reasons:
Falsification of records or work submitted for evaluation / assessment.

Falsification of information to gain a discount, scholarship, or grant.


Nonpayment of tuition.

Non communication (one year of no response to inquiries).

Use of the RCPI & Bible College degree and transcript for fraudulent purposes.

Student records, other than name, date of enrollment, degree program, and date of graduation, will not be released to a third party without the student’s written permission. This also includes any government officials or organizations, unless they have a warrant to do so.
Treasury Regulation:
1.162-5 Expenses for Education
(a) General Rule. Expenditures made by an individual for education, including research undertaken as part of this educational program [with certain exceptions] are deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses [even though the education led to a degree] if the education...
(1) Maintains or improves skills required by the individual in his employment or other trade or business, or
(2) Meets the express requirements of the individual’s employer, or the requirements of applicable law or regulations, imposed as a condition to the retention by the individual of an established employment relationship, status, or rate of compensation.
For further information, please contact your local IRS office.
All credit earned at RCPI & Bible College is based upon quarterly credit. Each certificate, diploma, degree, and major, at each level, has a required core curriculum, and a required number of degree major and elective courses. These can be found on pages 15 through 20.
If you are a correspondence student, you will be assigned a mentor who will assist and help develop the course study program you wish to follow. Once this is done, a variety of methods may be used to fulfill the requirements for the desired degree. Each learning activity will be translated into course work, evaluated by your mentor and listed on your transcript.
Some of the methods used to obtain credits include, but are not limited to, the following (this applies to both classroom and correspondence students):
Transcripted courses from other colleges, universities, and institutions.

Certificates and licenses.

Credit by examination (CLEP, PEP, ACT).

Workshops, seminars, training programs, counseling programs, AA programs, etc.

Prior learning experiences arising from nontraditional means in living, working, and professional environments.

Published papers or books.

Independent study and research projects.

Correspondence courses.

Volunteer work.

Completing a written or oral examination.

Unlike most institutions of higher education, RCPI & Bible Seminary does not charge by the credit. Instead, there is a flat fee charged for each degree level. There are no hidden costs or unnecessary add-ons.
The tuition for each certificate and diploma program is as follows: Interest free monthly payments available as well. Tuition Page
3 Month Certificates $325.00
9 Month Certificates $900.00
The tuition for each degree level is as follows:



Doctoral $5950.00
For combination degrees, the tuition is as follows: Interest Free monthly payments available.
Associate's/Bachelor's $4250.00


Master's/Doctoral $8950.00
For those who cannot pay the entire tuition in one payment, let us know. Very affordable interest free payment plans can be arranged.
There is a discount of 15% off the tuition, at any degree level, for the following:
Members of the Clergy and Church Administration

Missionaries of the Gospel


Active Military

Persons who are incarcerated

Persons on low or fixed income.

Before a discount may be given, the circumstances through which it is given must be verified. Additional discounts may also be available.
If the entire tuition is paid in one payment, a 10% discount will be given. For those who have completed one degree program and decide to take another one within 30 days, a 10% discount will be given.
Several scholarship programs are available for those who may have problems in paying tuition. If you are interested in obtaining a scholarship, submit your circumstances to us in writing and it will be presented to the scholarship committee. Also please include a letter from your pastor, teacher, a mentor, or employer, who is familiar with your situation.
A student may withdraw from a degree program at any time. However, RCPI & Bible College request that the intent be confirmed in writing. The student will receive a full refund of any payment made within seventy-two (72) hours of enrollment date. If cancellation occurs after seventy-two (72) hours enrollment date, and before classes have begun, a refund shall be made of all money paid except for a registration fee. If cancellation occurs after classes have begun, a pro rate refund will be made of all unearned prepaid tuition, fees, books, and supplies not issued to the student.
Blue----Revelation (color of God); the Spiritual or Heavenly Realm Ex 24:10, Ez1:26
Silver---Truth of God- atoning for the soul from: John 14:6, John 8;31-32, John 4:24
Gold----Power: God’s Glory and Divine Nature. Ezra 1:4, 8:2 & Rev 3:18
Red-----Efficacy of the Blood of Christ Isaiah 1:18, Joshua 2:18, Matt 26:28
RCPI & Bible College, as with most institutions of higher education, does award honorary degrees. Unlike some other institutions however, RCPI & Bible College does not “sell” its honorary degrees. They are awarded solely for the accomplishments and contributions that a person has made.
There is no prior academic requirement for entry into a Diploma Program except for a willingness to learn and the ability to read and write.
For admission into the Associate’s program, a candidate is required to have a high school diploma, a GED, or equivalent, or at the discretion of RCPI & Bible College.
To enroll in the Bachelor’s degree program, an Associate’s degree, the completion of sixty (60) credits, or its equivalent is required.
Entrance into the Master’s degree program requires a Bachelor’s degree, the completion of 120 credits, or its equivalent.
The required total amount of credits listed here is inclusive of credits from the Masters
Degree. All Doctoral degree candidates are required to do a Doctoral Dissertation.
Two copies of each senior paper and thesis, will be required from the student. One copy will become the property of the school, and the other copy becomes the property of the student, and will be returned after grading.
All copyrights remain the sole property of the student. Therefore, if RCPI & Bible College desires to utilize, or publish, in any way a particular piece of work, the school will request permission from the student.
Senior Paper: Must be at least 5,000 words in length (app. 25 pages).
Master’s Thesis: Must be at least 20,000 words in length (app. 80-100 pages).
Doctoral Dissertation:
All subject topics must first be approved. For guidelines on writing a Senior Paper, a Master’s Thesis, let us know and we will send them to you.
A pre-approved project may be done in lieu of the Senior Paper or Master’s Thesis.
Certificate in Leadership
The Voice of God

Diploma in Prophetic Studies (Dip. Pr.S.)
Associate of Biblical Studies (A.B.S.)
Associate of Christian Counseling (A.C.C.)
Associate of Prophetic Studies (A.Pr.S)
Associate of Theology Studies (A.T.S.)
Bachelor of Biblical Studies (B.B.S.)
Bachelor of Christian Counseling (B.C.C.)
Bachelor of Christian Education (B.C.E.)
Bachelor of Theology (Th.B.)
Master of Christian Education (M.C.E.)
Master of Pastoral Counseling (M.P.C.)
Master of Philosophy (Ph.M.)
Master of Theology (Th.M.)
Doctor of Christian Counseling (D.C.C.)
Doctor of Christian Education (D.C.E.)
Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.)
Doctor of Theology (Th.D.)
The field of Biblical studies examines the major Scriptural themes and the main topics of the Sacred Scriptures. Also examined are the various doctrines of the Word of God; that which is devoted to the fundamental beliefs of the Holy Bible.
Christian counseling examines the use of Christian and Biblical truths in counseling. The goals and techniques used to reach those goals are examined, as well as the differences between secular and Christian counseling.
The study of Christian education examines the theory and practice of providing educational services to members of the Christian community. Emphasis is placed on training in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the development of Christian Character.
The study of Christian philosophy is an examination of the field of philosophy from a Christian perspective. The works of various Christian philosophers are examined, both secular and Christian, along with the different views of reality, death, right and wrong, the concept of God, and the existence of God, among others.
Pastoral counseling deals with the pastor, or other member of the clergy, in the role of counselor. Examined are the various Biblical truths, and how they relate to counseling today.
Theology is the study of God and the expanding of Christology; the relationship between God and man. Also examined is the cultivation of the theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity.


All Associate degree programs require the following courses:
New Testament Survey 1

Old Testament Survey 1

Bible 1

HIS-101 History of Christianity 1
TH-101 Introduction to Theology
15 credits of elective courses
30 credits of degree major courses
Required Total: 60 credits
All Bachelor degree programs require the same courses as required in the Associate’s program, and the following courses. The required total amount of credits listed is inclusive of the credits from the Associate’s degree. All Bachelor degree candidates are required to do a Senior Paper.
BI-202 New Testament Survey 2
BI-203 Old Testament Survey 2
BI-423 Full Gospel Fundamentals 1
EV-131 Personal Evangelism
TH-105 Bible Doctrines 1
15 credits of elective courses
30 credits of degree major courses
Required Total: 120 credits
All Master degree candidates are required to do a Master’s Thesis.
10 credits of elective courses
20 credits of degree major courses
Required Total: 30 credits
10 credits of Biblical Studies
20 credits of degree major courses
Required Total: 30 credits
10 credits of Christian Counseling
10 credits of elective courses
10 credits of degree major courses
Required Total: 30 credits
10 credits of Apologetics
10 credits of electives
25 credits of degree major courses
Required Total: 45 credits
10 credits of Apologetics
10 credits of Biblical Studies
25 credits of degree major courses
Required Total: 45 credits
The required total amount of credits listed here is inclusive of credits from the Masters degree. All Doctoral degree candidates are required to do a Doctoral Dissertation.
40 credits of degree major courses
200 hour Christian Counseling Practicum (20 credits)
Required Total: 90 credits
60 credits of degree major courses
Required Total: 90 credits
60 credits of elective or degree major courses
Required Total: 90 credits
60 credits of degree major courses
Required Total: 105 credits
The required amount of credits for a Doctor of Philosophy degree is 115 credits. All credits earned above the Masters degree level must be in the degree major. All credits are inclusive of credits from the Masters degree. All Doctor of Philosophy degree candidates are required to do a Doctoral Dissertation. All those majoring in Christian/Pastoral Counseling must do a 200 hour Counseling Practicum worth 20 credits of those required for this degree.
These are just a few of the courses that we offer. Please understand that it would be impossible to list all the courses that we offer. Some courses are developed for particular lines of study that a student is following, while others are developed through independent study and research projects.
When a course is listed with more than one course number, for example, as in “AP-301/501/701 Cults,” it means that this course can be developed for several degree levels.
ASSOCIATE’S: 100-299
BACHELOR’S: 499 and below.
MASTER’S: 500 and above.
DOCTOR’S 500 and above
AP-101 Introduction to Apologetics
AP-110/310 Apologetics 1
AP-201/401 Introduction to the Cults
AP-206/406 Introduction to the New Age Religion
AP-210/410 Apologetics 2
AP-301/501/701 Cults
AP-325/525 Secular Apologetics
BI-101/301 Biblical Introduction
BI-102/302 New Testament Survey 1
BI-103/303 Old Testament Survey 1
BI-121/321 The Fruit and Gifts of the Holy Spirit
BI-122/422 Biblical Hermeneutics
BI-123/423 Tabernacle Typology
BI-202/402 New Testament Survey 2
BI-203/403 Old Testament Survey 2
BI-206/406/606 Pauline Epistles
BI-208/408/608 Acts of The Apostles
BI-210/410/610 Major Prophets
BI-212/412/612 The Holy Spirit
BI-213/413/613 Baptism
BI-214/414/614 Healing
BI-215/415/615 Repentance
BI-216/416/616 The Book of Hebrews
BI-217/417/617 Prayer and Fasting
BI-219/419/619 The Book of Revelation
BI-223/423/623 Full Gospel Fundamentals 1
BI-224/424/624 Full Gospel Fundamentals 2
BI-225/425/625 Full Gospel Fundamentals 3
BI-226/426/626 Bible 1
BI-227/427/627 Bible 2
BI-228/428/628 Bible 3
BI-415/615 Eschatology 1
BI-416/616 Eschatology 2
BI-420/620/720 Messianic Prophecies and Their Fulfillment
CC-101/401 Introduction to Christian Counseling
CC-222/422/622 Counseling and The Law
CC-243/443/543 Christian Marriage Counseling 1
CC-244/444/544 Christian Marriage Counseling 2
CC-405/605 Introduction to Cult Exit Counseling
CC-412/612 Biblical Counseling 1
CC-413/613 Biblical Counseling 2
CC-414/614 Biblical Counseling 3
CC-425/625 The Family Unit: What’s Really Going On
CC-436/636 Cult Exit Counseling 1
CC-437/637 Cult Exit Counseling 2
CC-538/738 Christian Spiritual Formation
CED-201/401 Introduction to Christian Education
CED-207/407/607 Effective Teaching
CED-412/612 Your Legal Rights As A Christian
CED-415/615 Christian Education 1
CED-416/616 Christian Education 2
CED-617/717 Christian Education 3
CPH-201 Introduction to Christian Philosophy
CPH-401/601 Philosophy of Religion
CPH-403/603 Christian Philosophy 1
CPH-404/604 History of Philosophy
CPH-405/605 Christian Philosophy 2
CPH-410/610 Faith and Reason
EV-105/405 Basic Evangelism
EV-131/431 Personal Evangelism
EV-205/405/605 Youth Evangelism
EV-237/437/637 Prison Evangelism
PC-201/401 Introduction to Pastoral Counseling
PC-243/443/643 Christian Marriage Counseling 1
PC-244/444/644 Christian Marriage Counseling 2
PC-425/625 The Family Unit: What’s Really Going On
PC-445/545 Christian Marriage Counseling 3
PC-446/546 Christian Marriage Counseling 4
PC-436/636 Cult Exit Counseling 1
PC-437/637 Cult Exit Counseling 2
PC-638/738 Christian Spiritual Formation

TH-101/401 Introduction to Theology
TH-103/303 The Trinity
TH-105/405 Bible Doctrines 1
TH-121/321 The Fruit and Gifts of the Holy Spirit
TH-122/322 Dispensational Truths
TH-123/323 Tabernacle Typology
TH-204/404 The History of Redemption
TH-206/406/ Bible Doctrines 2
TH-209/409/609 New Testament Theology 1

TH-210/410/610 New Testament Theology 2
TH-211/411 Angels
TH-213/413 Sin

TH-214/414 The Church
TH-215/415 Hell
TH-216/416 The Holy Spirit
TH-217/417 Salvation
TH-218/418 Christ’s Resurrection
TH-220/420/620 Comparative Religions
TH-426/626 Eschatology 1
TH-427/627 Eschatology 2
By Dr. Joseph S. Puleo
The Purpose of Higher Learning - is to retain most of what is learned through this type of education.
I have developed this information based on “ancient methods,” taught to the worlds spiritual leaders since and before Jesus The Christ. It is a method of truths, and enhancements to methods of truths, and enhancements to communicate this learned “knowledge,” to pass on to “mankind,” and to students seeking higher “Wisdom.”
“Wisdom,” is Learning Under Correct Knowledge, of Truths, (L.U.C.K.). A seeker of Truth needs to, and must view all Truths to find the Truth; coupled with discernment. The Truth Shall Set You Free, from unproven dogmas.
The mind will absorb all that is read, the trick is to retrieve it into consciousness when needed for use, and then remember where you stored it for future use. This method has worked well for our “Ancient” and current ‘Philosophers,’ and ‘Theologians,’ who have ‘knowledge,’ and wisdom based on self-evident ‘Truths,’ with correct documented science of Body, Mind, and Spirit.
Tests, should, be used to teach the student, and not to trick the student. Preceding the test questions is a recap of the text to help the student reticulate. It is not always the quantity of questions asked on a test that is important. But, it is the quality of the test questions, which is important, the meat or heart of the learning, the rest of the writings or lessons are the staples or garnish. “Remember,” One not only should be concerned with what ‘One’ feeds the body for health. “One,” must also be concerned with what ‘One’ feeds the mind for mental health, or mental nourishments. The spirit is housed in the body and is nourished, by both the body and the mind, based on what one feeds the body and the mind, determines one’s spiritual and physical being, valid or invalid, healthy or not healthy.
“Remember,” (reticulate) when ‘One’ has eaten a savory meal, in ‘recall’ of that meal, it was the main condiment, which was remembered ‘first’, and then, secondly, the garnish around the savory meal, or main condiment. The ‘mind’, food works the same way as the body food works, food for the body, as food for thoughts, (the mind.) What are nourishments? Only YOU can answer that question! The seeker of truths!
Without Wisdom, or LUCK, Learning Under Correct Knowledge, ‘You’ will experience LOCK, locked out, Body, Mind, and Spirit. LOCK, or Lack Of Correct Knowledge, is starvation for the Body, Mind, and Spirit, or starving from lack of Truth, and Wisdom, for half-truths will only fill you half up, from your full nutritional needs, concerning the Body, Mind, and Spirit, or BMS.
Dr. Joseph S. Puleo, PhD
Author: Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse
By Dr. P. Bradley Carey
From his book
And The Dead Shall Walk The Earth
According to the United States Department of Education, “The United States has no Federal ministry of education or other centralized authority exercising single national control over postsecondary educational institutions in this country. The states assume varying degrees of control over education, but, in general, institutions of higher education are permitted to operate with considerable independence and autonomy…In order to insure a basic level of quality, the practice of accreditation arose in the United States as a means of conducting nongovernmental, peer evaluation of educational institutions and programs.”1
The Bible tells us to “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”2
Keeping this Scripture in mind, let’s examine the above statement by the Department of Education and see if it proves good and true.
We already saw in this statement that the Department of Education claims that “accreditation arose in the United States as a means of conducting nongovernmental peer evaluation of educational institutions and programs.” The Department of Education has divided the United States into regions. Each region in turn has a Regional Accreditor that accredits schools. These Regional Accreditors get their authorization from the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and/or the U.S. Department of Education's Eligibility and Agency Evaluation Staff (EAES). Now both of these organizations get their authority to “recognize” these accrediting agencies from the Department of Education itself. And as everyone knows, the Department of Education is a part of the United States government. So my question is this, if accreditation is “a means of conducting nongovernmental peer evaluation of educational institutions and programs,” what is the Department of Education, a branch of the Federal Government, doing running the whole thing? This is obviously not non-government involvement in the accreditation system and proves that this part of the statement made by the Department of Education is not true.
Their statement also included the following: “The states assume varying degrees of control over education, but, in general, institutions of higher education are permitted to operate with considerable independence and autonomy.” Each state has a Higher Education Coordinating Board, a Postsecondary Council on Higher Education, or some agency along those lines. Their purpose is to authorize a school to award the degrees that it does. If it is a religious school, then they may grant it “religious exemption” because of separation of Church and State. However, the term “religious exemption” does not mean that they will still not control the religious school to some degree. For example, they must first approve all of the degree titles and nomenclature (initials) of those degrees. In many states, they must also have copies of the school’s catalog on file for evaluation, see a list of all course materials and make on site inspections of the school, even if it is solely conducting correspondence courses. There have been examples in the past, where a religious school is offering a degree and a few secular schools will start to offer a degree with the same title. Eventually the state that the school is in will tell it that it may no longer offer that degree or title, even though it was offering it before the secular schools. They will claim that this is to remove any confusion as to if it is a secular or religious degree. This clearly shows favoritism to the secular schools and those that are associated with the Department of Education.
Now many of these state agencies follow basic guidelines established by the Department of Education. So again we see the Federal Government getting involved and regulating schools, both secular and religious. Now the government claims that they want to have a total separation of Church and State, so if this is true, what business do they have telling a completely religious school what degrees and programs it may and may not offer? What business do they have telling a religious school how to format their catalog if everything they have said in it is completely truthful? So again, this fails the test to prove good and true.
Now as for the beginning of their statement, where they say, “The United States has no Federal ministry of education or other centralized authority exercising single national control over postsecondary educational institutions in this country,” in a way that is true. The United States has no ministries. Instead the United States has departments. As we have clearly seen, the United States Department of Education is actually exercising authority over postsecondary education in one form or another, contrary to what their statement claims. So again this part of the statement fails to prove true.
The Department of Education, in their book, Nationally Recognized Accrediting Agencies and Associations: Criteria and Procedures for listing by the U.S. Secretary of Education and Current List (September 1996), on pages 9 through 11, have a list of the definitions they use and a meaning for these definitions. We will examine a few of these here:
“Accreditation means the status of public recognition that an accrediting agency grants to an educational institution or program that meets the agency’s established standards and requirements.”3
“Accrediting agency or agency means a legal entity, or that part of a legal entity, that conducts accrediting activities through voluntary, non-Federal peer evaluations and makes decisions concerning the accreditation or pre-accreditation status of institutions, programs, or both.”4
If these two definitions are true, then any legal accrediting organization is exactly the same as another one, and have no Federal Government involvement whatsoever. However, these definitions are misleading, as the following one clearly shows:
“Nationally recognized accrediting agency, nationally recognized agency, or recognized agency means an accrediting agency that is recognized by the Secretary under this part.”5
What is meant by the term “recognized” here is that the accrediting organization is following the guidelines and regulations established by the Department of Education, which is a part of the Federal Government. Therefore, this clearly is not being “non-Federal” as the above description for the term “accrediting agency” refers to.
It is the Department of Education, as well as these “recognized” accrediting agencies and the schools that they accredit, that look upon other accrediting agencies as less favorable and as being beneath them. It is only those schools that are accredited by a “recognized” accreditor that are eligible for certain Federal funding and programs. This is clearly a violation of the first statement by the Department of Education that I quoted in the beginning.
In November of 2000, the Department of Education came out with an Agenda Report entitled, “Learning Without Limits.” In this report they state that it “is a blueprint for the federal role in postsecondary education.”6 So in light of this report, one question comes to mind, what happened to their wanting to keep the Federal Government out of postsecondary education?
To anyone who can understand even basic English, there is a definite contradiction between the words and actions of the Department of Education. We have already seen the mess that the Department of Education has made with the elementary and secondary schools, and now, with their expertise, they are trying to do the same thing to the postsecondary ones as well. Is this right? Of course not! It’s time to get the government out of the education business and put it back where it belongs, back into the hands of the people.
By controlling the accrediting agencies, they control the schools. By controlling the schools they control the curriculum, who will teach it, and what is required by each individual attending that school. By controlling the curriculum and what is taught, they can control what a person learns and how they will react to certain situations. And as numerous examples in history show, by doing this, you will have people who will say, think, and do whatever you want. Surely this is not what education is meant to be.
Nationally Recognized Accrediting Agencies and Associations: Criteria and Procedures for listing by the U.S. Secretary of Education and Current List (September 1996), Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education, p. 1.

1 Thessalonians 5:21, KJV

Nationally Recognized Accrediting Agencies and Associations: Criteria and Procedures for listing by the U.S. Secretary of Education and Current List (September 1996), Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education, p. 9.


Nationally Recognized Accrediting Agencies and Associations: Criteria and Procedures for listing by the U.S. Secretary of Education and Current List (September 1996), Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education, p. 10.

Quoted from the web site of the Department of Education, where they are briefly describing this report. The Department of Education web site is located at: http://www.ed.gov.

Dr. Candace A. House M.Ch.Ed, Psy.D., Ph.D., D.Div.
Chancellor and Founder
Dr. Anthony House MBA, D.Div.
Chief Financial Officer.
Dr. Derek Sheavly, M.Th, D.Div., D.Ch.Ed., Ph.D
Vice President
Academic Dean
Prophetess Elizabeth Sheavly, BA
Dr. Milton Mosby D.Div.
Advisory Board
Pastor James Murray MBA
God's Church of Destiny
Frank T. Bozeman School of Ministry
Advisory Board
Dr. Angela Williams MBA, M. Ch. Ed Ph. D.,
Advisory Board
Dr. Sean Strachan MAEd., Ed. S , Ed. D ,
Advisory Board
Faith Christian Impact Center
The Purpose Center
Ruach Chayah Global Ministries
The World Education Network Inc
God’s Church of Deliverance